fat set point weight loss clinic

• Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to lose weight?

• Are you constantly dieting?

• Do you lose weight and then gain it, and more back over time? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore is here to help.


A theory, called the fat-set point theory, helps explain why repeated dieting and calorie restriction is not successful in producing long-term weight loss.

The set point is like a control system built into every person dictating how much fat a person should have.  Some individuals have a high set point, while others have a low one. Dieting attempts to decrease the fat set point; however, the reverse often happens.

When we restrict our caloric intake our body thinks we are starving and therefore goes into a defensive mechanism, whereby it holds on to and defends its fat stores. Our bodies also decrease our metabolic rate in an effort to not burn any additional calories.  Ultimately, this results in significant difficulties losing weight despite further calorie restriction. 

Dieting becomes less and less effective, a plateau is reached and further weight loss becomes impossible for most people.

At the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore, we understand this theory and will work with you to decrease your fat set point safely and effectively for the long term. 

5 Key Points About Weight Loss