By addressing all components that Affect obesity, you will not only lose weight, but improve your overall health and well-being.

Weight Loss Doctor North Shore

At the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore we know there are many, many factors that affect obesity and we will address all of them with you.

Genetics, environmental factors, sleep patterns, common medications, depression and anxiety, food supply, underlying medical conditions — among other factors — can lead to obesity and our ability to lose weight. 

Because obesity and weight loss is so complex, it requires a multidisciplinary team of professionals.  This is why we work with experts in the area of fitness, nutrition, and mental and behavioral health

You will be surrounded by a top notch support team, all led by our physician, Dr. Carmela Mancini.  

Once you decide the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore is right for you, you will receive an orientation packet that must be completed prior to your initial visit.  A member of our team will contact you to set up a comprehensive one-on-one appointment. This appointment can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours and will include a complete physical exam, body composition analysis, comprehensive lab work, and a full review of the orientation packet you previously completed. 

After your initial appointment, Dr. Mancini will advise you of an appropriate treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you and will be with you every step of the way.


Body composition describes what your body is made of, including fat, lean mass, minerals, and body water and provides much more detailed and useful information than BMI (body mass index), which is the traditional means of determining obesity status. 

At the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore we don’t rely solely on BMI to measure your weight or to determine your health status and goals. We measure your body composition at the initial visit and continue to monitor it throughout your weight loss journey. 

By taking this approach, we can measure your fat loss, not just your weight loss.  This helps us and you better understand your body and will guide your weight loss goals.

Determining your body composition is the first step in your journey to health and happiness.