Weight Loss Drugs: Adipex, Contrave, Wellbutrin & Qsymia Compared

Navigating the journey to weight loss requires dedication, effort, and sometimes, the aid of medications. Adipex, Contrave, Wellbutrin, and Qsymia stand out as some of the most commonly discussed drugs in the weight loss arena. In this article, we delve deep into each of these medications, highlighting their distinct properties and the indispensable role of medical supervision.

Understanding the Contenders

The weight loss pharmaceutical landscape is vast, with a multitude of drugs tailored for specific needs. Adipex, Wellbutrin, and Qsymia have distinguished themselves in the field, each offering distinct benefits.

  • Adipex (Phentermine): A stimulant similar to an amphetamine, Adipex is primarily used as an appetite suppressant. It influences neurotransmitters in the brain to curb hunger, aiding those aiming for weight reduction.

  • Wellbutrin (bupropion): Originally developed as an antidepressant, Wellbutrin has also shown potential in aiding weight loss. It acts by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, impacting mood and appetite.

  • Qsymia: A combination of Phentermine and Topiramate, Qsymia offers a two-pronged approach to weight loss. While Phentermine suppresses appetite, Topiramate, can help increase feelings of satiety. This dual mechanism is what makes Qsymia a notable choice for weight management.

  • Contrave: is a unique combination of bupropion, an antidepressant, and naltrexone, an opioid antagonist. Together, they work to regulate appetite and food cravings, playing a dual role in both mood and weight management.

Grappling with Weight Management Drugs

Every medication, while offering potential benefits, also brings along possible side effects. Being informed ensures you make well-considered choices and are prepared for any challenges. Common side effects among weight management drugs can range from dry mouth, insomnia, and constipation to more severe ones like elevated heart rate or blood pressure. It's essential to be aware of the specific side effects of the medication you're considering.  

The Imperative of Medical Supervision

Harnessing the power of medications for weight loss isn't a decision to be made lightly. The unique complexities of our bodies mean that reactions can vary, emphasizing the importance of medical guidance by a physician, well versed in the field of obesity management.

  • Underlying Conditions: Certain conditions such as Heart diseases, Mood disorders, and Hormonal imbalances, can influence the safety and effectiveness of weight loss drugs. 

  • Individual Response: Reactions to medications are as diverse as individuals themselves. Monitoring by a physician ensures that any adverse reactions are recognized and addressed promptly.

  • Understanding Side Effects: Medications inevitably come with potential side effects. Recognizing these and understanding their implications is paramount for both safety and efficacy.

Comprehensive Treatment Approach

Achieving sustainable weight loss isn't merely about popping a pill; it's a multifaceted journey. While medication can provide a significant boost in managing weight, it works best when complemented by a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and a positive mindset. These elements collectively form the pillars of a comprehensive weight loss strategy. Enlisting the support of experts – physicians, nutritionists, fitness trainers, and counselors – can offer tailored recommendations and a structured approach. Such a holistic plan not only targets weight loss, but also ensures overall health and well-being.

Considering embarking on a weight management journey with these medications? Connect with the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore (WLCNS) and discover our holistic approach to weight loss. Let us guide you towards your health objectives. Make the commitment today.


  • American Medical Association. (2021). The Role of Prescription Drugs in Weight Management. Link

  • Smith, S. R., Weissman, N. J., Anderson, C. M., Sanchez, M., Chuang, E., Stubbe, S., ... & Shanahan, W. R. (2010). Multicenter, placebo-controlled trial of lorcaserin for weight management. New England Journal of Medicine, 363(3), 245-256. Link

  • FDA. (2021). Approved Drugs for Weight Management. Link

  • Khera, R., Murad, M. H., Chandar, A. K., Dulai, P. S., Wang, Z., Prokop, L. J., ... & Singh, S. (2016). Association of pharmacological treatments for obesity with weight loss and adverse events: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA, 315(22), 2424-2434. Link

  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2022). A Comprehensive Look at Medications for Weight Loss. Link.

Carmela Mancini